... to experience ... to share ... to photograph ... people to talk to ... to live...to scoot...to ride

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Whew, I almost dodged that one. A creative spasm gripped me, so I thought I would dust off my sadly neglected blog... but then there was blogger asking if I would like to review the unpublished comments; a helpful tip (admonishment) to check the comment section occasionally since I don't let any comments go through unchecked... so I did that, and there was as usual a few comments that are really advertisements for something else... and then they ask if you would like to review your popularity dashboard, convert the blog into a Google + account, and oh, look at that, my rss feed for my recent photos had gone kaflewy. The mundane, non-creative stuff oh so often expands to fill every crack of life. yawn.

With all of this to distract me, its a wonder what my creative moment was all about! But here I am writing. So that is something. 

And now God has turned out the lights by sending a cloud in front of the sun and it is actually kind of cold outside. But for the first time in many months, I sat outside, in the sun, just looking at the mountains. I'll rush off in a bit to start researching for a paper, and that's ok; however right now I watch the shadows traverse the high country and watch the wind riffle the tree tops.

I don't seem to have a pic handy of the mountains, so here's a similar feeling photo instead:

There. A creative moment. And because mostly this site uses riding as a metaphor for creativity, well, we'll just have to be content with landscapes today.

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About Me

Join me in my adventures as I learn to ride a scooter and experience the world through two wheeled transport.